Welcome to the Absolute Telemark Tips Podcast,
It is here to talk about telemark skiing, interviewing community leaders, talking about equipment, telemark tips and more. My goal is simple, get as many people talking about telemark. Through out my many years as a telemark skier, one thing as always came out, the telemark community is just awesome. Discover all there is about the latest trends, the best places to go, the best athletes, the history of telemark through are awesome guests. I will also answer your questions what ever your level and ability. Telemark is full of passionate people, this is theTelemark Tribe I want you to discover.

In this first episode, I will tell you my passion for telemark and where it comes from. This is simply to present the podcast format.
We will talk about:
- What is telemark skiing
- The great Telemark community which I like to call the Telemark Tribe
- My history, how I got hooked on telemark
- What’s to come in futur episodes
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