Telemark in the trees

Telemark skiing in the trees is

  1. So much fun
  2. Always as fresh track left somewhere
  3. Less prone to avalanche (still subject to and one should always evaluate risk accordingly)
  4. Less wind packed, less windy, warmer, just great place to be in a stormy day (like in the video below)
  5. Tight (trees hurt, I know from experience)

Here is what I mean in this old edit


Telemark market, survey


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5 questions for 5 top telemarkers: Evans Parent

In the series of interviews Absolute Telemark asked the same 5 questions to 5 top telemark skiers.

Today, telemark skier is Evans Parent,  ski bum, in a ski bum world. When ski bum life isn’t cool anymore, when sacrifices are made, year round for years to live the passion. When cold can of beans is luxury, when camping in cold damp is everyday consolation for powder turns around the world. When you see Evan ski resumé, you e end of tthink he’s so lucky to have skied so much, in so many places. When you read the story behind it, not everyone could do it, and very few would actually enjoy it. See his blog’s address at the end of this post. Continue reading »