Here’s my telemark ski movie list.
Well, here are the first 6. the rest will be posted tomorow.
Don’t hesitated to comment my top 10.
10-The time machine. Ok it’s in Italian but it’s still cool
Here’s my telemark ski movie list.
Well, here are the first 6. the rest will be posted tomorow.
Don’t hesitated to comment my top 10.
10-The time machine. Ok it’s in Italian but it’s still cool
I’m a ski pratroller.
But even before hand, I’m a telemark skier who likes to ski hard. Day in and day out, I’m outdoor. And I like it. Here’s a list of things I wear to stay warm at all times.
Common tips are:
You can find dozen of web sites talking about those. Here are my best tips for keeping you warm:
BONUS TIP: If you have cold feet, you can always buy heated soles or foot warmer, but I don’t like either solutions. Heated soles are expansive and you always forget to charge them up. And foot warmer are single use (pollution), bulky and expensive after a while. But boot liners are relatively cheap. Every boots brand sell replacement liners, usually at 1/5th of the price of a boot. Buy an extra liner and change liners when changing your socks at lunch time. Guaranteed warm feet for the rest of your life. When re-selling your boots, you can have the buyer choosing his liner, it will be half as used. Keep the second liner for your new boots.
Enjoy winter, day in and day out.
I can juggle five balls. And this blog is about telemark skiing.
I often meet people that are starting telemark skiing. One of the things I tell them is that they are very lucky to be beginners because they have so much to learn. The learning curve is fast and your milestones come every few days practicing. They then look at me, and go:
I’d like to be good now, ski the powder and rip through anything.
Goal is important but it is the mean that gets you coming back for more. It’s the fun part.
How to telemark then. I have a flawless method of learning movement. Skiing is just a combination of movements. So is juggling.
Ingredient one: get a tutorial method to learn the skill. Instructor, video, book… Anything. I learned juggling with a book that had all the 3 balls, 4 balls and 5 balls juggling tricks. Guess what, I can juggle 5 balls, not one more. Not because I can’t learn 6 and up. Just because I never got motivated in getting instruction for more. Make sure you have the tools to learn. (THIS IS ME JUGGLING WITH FIRE TORCHS.Anything is possible)
Ingredient two: Get a buddy as motivated as you. It will, in most cases, be the determinant factor to perseverance.
Ingredient three: Don’t wait to master a movement, try it on your weak side right now. We all have a weaker harm, a weaker kick leg, a weaker golf side. From juggling, I can tell you that you need both hands to catch and throw. Telemark is the same, you need to turn both ways. Practicing the weak side right away, you will master the skill FASTER on both sides. Spend a little more time on the weak side, and the good side will learn it in a flash.
Ingredient four: Don’t wait to master one skill before trying to do another one. Move on and come back. This will keep it fun.
Ingredient five: If you can’t do it instantly, don’t panic. You just need more practice. Keep it simple and make sure that you finish practicing that particular movement on a good note. your brain learns movement. It’s called proprioception. And it learns movement from resting in between practice session. I don’t know anybody that can juggle 5 balls the first time. Every time you come back at it, your brain have learned as assimilate more, and one day, it will just happen.
Bonus tip: Executing movement is more than an on/off switch. Learning is ongoing. Technique will always improve and future generations will always be better. I guess that’s why we can fly to outer space, or ski down climbing routes. Never take for granted that you know something, look around and learn from others.
Bonus Video:
Don’t hesitate to leave a comment!
And have fun…
There it is,
The leafs are turning yellow, orange, red and your heart beat is accelerating. You can’t wait for the first snow.
But wait. Are you in top physical condition? Telemark is one of those sports that needs great general fitness and good muscles tone. Nothing comes free, so TRAIN.
I use to get by not training and It always got me 5 to 10 days in the season to feel good on my skis. At 30, it changed, and it took me 20 days. Ouch. Then, I started to train.
Here’s what you should do to get rippin’:
Step 1: Sit down and set 3 goals you want to achieve on snow this year. Get motivated. Not just a bit. You need to be willing to make the sacrifices.
Step 2: Determine your training potential. Be honest, but again, set yourself some goals. Will you train alone or with people. That’s one big key to success. Many of you have the inner voice dilemma: With people means going to sessions in the evening, ‘do I have the time?’ Alone means more freedom but will you stay motivated. In any way, finding a training buddy will help.
Step 3: TIME: When, how and how long will training take you. Get a program that you have time to do. Little is better than none.
Step 4: Do it: Many training program can be found. Here’s few ideas:
Step 5: Stay motivated: Watch telemark movies, prepare your big winter trip; buy your season’s pass, check out the latest gear. Anything that reminds you that on that first day free heeling, you will be lapping runs easily, pain free, while your buddies wonder how you’re doing it.
Bonus tip: You don’t need to do all of that. Adapt your choices to your lifestyle and your goals. Again, little is better than none.
The pachon is the french name for the lurk,
In a trip last winter to Savoie, France, telemark legend Jean-Louis Chenal gave me a pachon.
I was honored and trilled to have this beautiful piece of art. The lurk is just a long wood stick used to balanced yourself and to propel the flats. It has been replaced in modern telemark skiing with two poles.The pachon was the Sheppard stick to gather the sheep. The fun part is that it was hollowed to be filled with genepy,the local alcohol. Mine is unfortunately not hollowed (yet).
The ski part is even more interesting. You can use a bamboo stick most ski resort have. If you ask a ski patroller, he will certainly lend you one.
Skiing with a long stick has lots of advantages and everybody should try it. First the balanced is truly easier. Second and most important, it allows the telemark skier to separate the upper and lower body. Having both hands on one stick will enhanced a lot of the good and the bad. At first, concentrate in having but hands facing downhill. Don’t worry if it’s not easy at first. As you turn, you can move the lurk as a kayak paddle, making the upper body move the opposite way you’re turning. That is if your moving your right leg forward for a left turn, you will be moving your kayak stroke right, bringing the left hand forward. Make sure you keep the stroke short or you will lose balanced after one or two turns. And make sure you bring the hand forward instead of pulling on the lurk, it helps keep your hands forward all the time.
This is a good exercise but it does not meet today’s performance of two poles. See it as a way to experienced upper body and lower body counter twist.
Hey free heeler,
This is your meeting to great telemark news, gear talk, travel info, and much more. Make sure you check our blog section. Also, visit us on
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Nous serons au Telefestrie en fin de semaine pour découvrir leur nouveau secteur Hors Piste.
En effet, Owl’s Head à ouvert tout un nouveau versant au adepte de randonnée alpine. Apporter vos peaux et soyez du départ matinal à 7h30
Venez nous rencontrer au Kiosque du Yéti, Moi en tout les cas, j’ai très hâte d’essayer les nouveautés.
[ois skin=”Bottom skin FR”]
Quand Maryse Paquette de Chez Oakley Active nous a approché pour faire un évènement pour les femme, j’étais plus que ravi.
Après avoir jongler avec les horaires, nous voici prêt pour lancé l’évènement.
pour vous inscrire, cliquer ici
– Billet de remontéeau mont Ste-Anne
– Leçon de télémark
– Collation offerte par @Belsoy
– Vidéo de Absolute télémark
– Cadeau Oakley
– Bière d’après-ski
Tout ça pour moins de 100$, pas si mal… (valeur de de plus de 250$)
Notez, nous avons une option sans billet de remontée pour 37$
Quand Maryse Paquette de Chez Oakley Active nous a approché pour faire un évènement pour les femme, j’étais plus que ravi.
Après avoir jongler avec les horaires, nous voici prêt pour lancé l’évènement.
Nous allons créer un groupe de débutante et un groupe d’intermédiaire.
Il s’agit d’une journée complète de plaisir, de conseil sur l’équipement, sur votre technique. Plusieurs cadeaux et prix de participation
Quand: Samedi le 15 mars 2014
Où: Mont Saint-Anne Coût: 96$ + frais
Équipement: Nous avons possibilité de louer de l’équipement mais les quantités sont limités
Inscription: ici
Partager avec les dames du Québec
Bonjour à tous les enthousiaste de télémark
Vous avez été nombreux à participer activement à la saison de Absolute Telemark et c’est avec plaisir que j’ai une petite surprise pour vous.
Mais avant je veux vous reparler de Elle Télémark. Wow, quel bel évènement!
C’est finalement 23 filles que nous avons la chance d’avoir avec nous pour la clinique du 15 mars dernier.
Nous avions une liste d’attente de 14 noms ce qui montre à quel point le télémark gagne à être découvert.
J’aimerais vous conviez à une journée BBQ Télémark le dimanche 6 avril au Massif de Charlevoix. Comme vous le savez peut-être, il n’y a plus de Festival de télémark au Massif et ce malgré une clientèle très orientée vers notre sport. Ben faisons nous un Off Festival.
Le lieu: Massif de Charlevoix, Secteur Camp Boule
Date: 6 avril dès 10h00
Apporter: vos viandes et breuvages (équipement de telemark aussi)
Je serais sur place pour:
Ça se veut convivial, sans horaire, sans programmation. Juste skier entre télémarkeur pour le plaisir.
Le BBQ commence vers midi
Diffuser la bonne nouvelle, on vous attend
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