In the series of interviews Absolute Telemark asked the same 5 questions to 5 top telemark skiers.
Today, telemark skier is Evans Parent, ski bum, in a ski bum world. When ski bum life isn’t cool anymore, when sacrifices are made, year round for years to live the passion. When cold can of beans is luxury, when camping in cold damp is everyday consolation for powder turns around the world. When you see Evan ski resumé, you e end of tthink he’s so lucky to have skied so much, in so many places. When you read the story behind it, not everyone could do it, and very few would actually enjoy it. See his blog’s address at the end of this post.
1-AT: What place does telemark skiing takes in your life?
EP: Telemark skiing has been directing most of my life choices over the past years. That, as a lot of skibum, includes places I had stayed, jobs I had gotten, cars I had driven and food I have eating year round. What people don’t see about the skibum lifestyle is all the sacrifices it takes to really do what you deeply love.
2-We’ve seen telemark progress more in the last decade,
Are you surprised and where do you expect it’s doing to go? Are you impressed with the kids talent?
EP: Totally! I haven’t progress much myself in the past years. So, I am pretty stoke about seeing where the sport is going. Kids are ripping as hard or harder as a lot of the alpinge kid out there.
3-AT:Talking about progression, do you set yourself clear goals or objectives every season? what are they? Or What is your approach to each season ?
EP: Each winter, my goal is mostly about discovering new places and being able to ski as continuously as possible. I am actually not someone who likes to go hard. My main ski-life goal is to be able to ski as long as possible.
4- AT: Is there a dream you haven’t achieve on skis yet?
EP: I wish to be able to ski in as much destinations as possible. I think a lifetime will be just short to ski in all the places I would like to ski.
5- AT: Telemark is now counting 2 millions adept in the US, why did you get hooked on? How do you think we should promote the sport?
EP: I started telemark after giving up ski racing. After racing fast on the East coast slopes, I was looking for a new challenge since the mountain didn’t seem to offer much. Telemark was a great challenge to start with. With the advancement of the equipment, there is no reason telemark is not getting more popular. It is more fun than ever skiing with half the binding! Maybe if the focus was a bit more towards the mainstream and try to point out the new challenge the sport offer. To many people are still stuck with the hippy-granola-eating stereotype who double-pole-plant and faceplant 3 times a run.
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To many people are also stuck with the hippy/granola eating/fishing rod/soft helmet visor when they compare whitewater sports. Evans would be a really good ambassador for whitewater canoeing!