Telemark Gear 2019

Hello Telemark Tribe.

Christmas is almost here and here is my telemark gear I’m going to be using this season.


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2 thoughts on “Telemark Gear 2019

  1. Hy Rene-Martin
    I’m Looking forward to buy a new Pair of all-mountain-Skis this Season. I already have a Rossignol Experience 84 for piste and a Armada JJ for the Pow-Days. Now I want something for in between, that I can run on the Piste, but also for Touring and when it’s Fresh Snow…
    How would you compare a Helio 105 to a Blizzard Rustler 10? Which one would you prefer, and why?
    Thanks Martin

  2. Hey!

    Love your videos and reviews.

    I am contemplating the Meidjo 2.1 and have been for some time. However, the price tag is steep and I am painstakingly waiting for updated touring boots for telemark. I just find we are dragging so much weight, it is hard to keep the quads fresh for the tele-turns on the way down….

    What are your thoughts on boots and their weight, considering their AT competitors?

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