5 questions for 5 top telemarkers: Tucker Vollbrecht

In the series of interviews Absolute Telemark asked the same 5 questions to 5 top telemark skiers.

Today’s telemark skier is Tucker Vollbrecht. Young and talented, Tucker is just like every kids out there, having fun. Oh and add dedication and talent.

1-AT: What place does telemark skiing takes in your life?

TV: Like my blog says, I live for telemark skiing. I get out on the hill as often as I possibly can. When I’m not out there, I’m still thinking about it. Summer is the worst, longest wait. This past July, skiing in Chile helped some, but it’s just too long between seasons.

2-We’ve seen telemark progress more in the last decade,
Are you surprised and where do you expect it’s doing to go? Are you impressed with the kids talent?

TV: People like Nick Devore and Jake Sackson have really pushed the limits of the sport. And, well, I guess I am the “kid”. I don’t really think too much about where tele skiing is headed. I just go out and ski and have fun with it.

3-AT:Talking about progression, do you set yourself clear goals or objectives every season? what are they? Or What is your approach to each season ?

TV: Like I said, I really just like to go out and ski. This past season, my goal was to start competing. This year, I have several competitions I’d like to enter. I don’t have any specific expectations for them. I just want to do the best I can, have fun with the other competitors and see how it turns out. I recently started working for a couple of local skiing companies, and I’m learning more about the whole industry all the time.

4- AT: Is there a dream you haven’t achieve on skis yet?

TV: This time last year, I had a dream of skiing with Nick and Kayo in Portillo, and that all came together this past July. In the future, I’d like to have the opportunity to ski in other parts of the world. Japan looks good, Alaska, the Alps!

5- AT: Telemark is now counting 2 millions adept in the US, why/how did you get hooked on? How do you think we should promote the sport?
TV: I grew up watching my dad tele ski. I constantly asked him to teach me, and I finally got onto tele gear when I was 9 years old. We found a pair of old T3 boots at a swap for $50, and I’ve never looked back.

Make sure you check out Tucker’s blog at: www.tuckervollbrecht.com

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