Absolute Telemark have produced quality tutorials in the process of making a tutorial on telemark skiing.
HD quality, well conceive by more than 15 years of teaching experience, each lesson is around 20 minutes long and available for pc/mac, Ipod/Ipad, Android tablets and phones.
These tutorials covers subject like:
- Basic telemark; a series of 3 tutorials covers everything a beginner needs to know to get started. It even include a fast forward method for alpine skiers or snowboarders, eager to get rippin’ fast.
- Telemark falie; this tutorial covers the new style telemark: going backwards on telemark. Fun and really great to learn something new in your technique.
- Mogul telemark, a series of 3 tutorials covers all the know how from the fundamental to all the advance stuff.
- And the 7 Flaws of telemark, a series of 7 tutorials will cover how to fix your main flaw whatever your level. This is my way of thinking and teaching telemark, seen by thousands of people around the world
Check out my tutorails package here: https://shop.absolutetelemark.com/
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Looking forward to these. Great site!