Episode 10: Paul Kimbrough, Big Mountain Telemark Skier

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A self proclaimed “Professional Ski Bum,” Paul has been skiing since he was two and freeheeling since 2005.

He has competed in big mountain telemark competitions from Crested Butte Colorado to Alyeska Alaska and won a couple of them.

A mainstay in Powderwhore films, Paul is feartured in “Flakes,” “Breaking Trail,” “Television”, “Elevation,” and their newest film, “Some Thing Else.”

He is excited about coaching and skiing with the youth of telemark as much as possible and fostering a future for the sport.

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Talked in this Episode:

Partnering with Jake Sakson, Paul started the Beartooth Basin Telemark Camp that offers two sessions of freeride telemark instruction in June.

Check out telemarkfreeridecamps.com

 for more info and register before January 15th for a $200 discount.

Paul’s Sponsors

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2 thoughts on “Episode 10: Paul Kimbrough, Big Mountain Telemark Skier

  1. Pingback: To Deep, Too Step | Absolute Telemark

  2. Pingback: 021 – Chris Valiante from 22 design and the new Outlaw Telemark binding | Absolute Telemark

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