-Update- click here to check the up to date tutorials including the 7 flaws
The First Telemark Members have graduated!
I’m really proud of the first class of members we had.
Registrations are closed for now but a new class will be up in November 2015.
If you want to be part of it, Don’t miss your chance and register to our Telemark Foundation newsletter. We’ll keep you posted.
If you have any questions, please ask away at info@absolutetelemark.com
In the 15 years I’ve have been teaching telemark skiing, I’ve always though we could do better. I Love telemark festivals for the buzz they create around our sport. But I always felt like we couldn’t serve the community on a regular basis. What if life could be a every day festival ?
In my last post, I revealed my new Project:
The Telemark Foundation
In my quest to make a better difference in the telemark community, I’m launching a project where you can REALLY improve your telemark skills.
And in the little survey about what you want to accomplish, you said that your biggest fears or problems were:
- The main challenges for learning telemark is learning to balance yourself on a good centered position while always being in movement. No fear at all, just gliding down a mountain on a pair of telemark skis is something worth more than a million $$$$.
- My main problem with learning tele, other than lack of opportunity to ski, is weighting my back foot properly. Biggest fear is that I will fall wrong and wreck my knee.
And maybe the most revealing
- Very limited opportunities to ski with other skilled skiers and to continue improving skills and knowledge to continue improving. Biggest fear is to lose the motivation
More precisely, I was ask to solve these different problems:
- getting enough weight onto the inside ski. This issue always resurfaces when I start to get tired,
- failure and not being as good as in alpine skiing
- being able to do fast sharp powerful turns and mastering the stance and keeping it on steep icy run and glades
- not falling and getting a knee injury
- not having a good first experience.
- on steep terrain, on my weak side, I have issues committing to the lead change.
- how to land after jumps
- and even...icy bumps in the steeps
What a challenge…
So here I though that in front of a big problem, WE need a great solution.
As I said, I’m going all out in giving YOU all the secrets that have always guided my teaching, the 7 flaws of telemark.
In these seven flaws, I will cover all the flaws one telemark skiers can have from beginner to expert. In fact, every flaw is affecting your technique in one way depending on your skills, the terrain and the snow condition.
The project is going a personalize program:
The Telemark Foundation
>> Click Here to register to the TELEMARK FOUNDATION <<
The Telemark Foundation will reveal the 7 flaws that is killing your telemark technique. Improving only one of these flaws will improve dramatically your telemark technique, guaranteed.
It is the first time that I will reveal those flaws, as it’s always been kind of my little secret. I use it to analyze what people need to improve. I’ve been successfully using this approach for 15 years now.
There is actually nothing like this on the web right now.
This is the intro video of the 7 flaws.
Wednesday, I will post the first flaw, for FREE
Spots are limited
Because of the personalize approach, their is ONLY 20 open spots.
This first version of the Foundation is going to be unique. As Founding members you will get more for your money than we will ever give, promise.
Subscriptions are NOW OPEN andcloses Thursday, February 20th at 11:59 pm
The Program is now closed, subscribe here to get all the news regarding the next group
- This program will be over 5 weeks starting Friday February 28th and ending April 8th
- I will disclosure the 7 flaws and tell you what is your main flaw. (week 1 and 2)
- I will not only tell you what your main flaw is, but I will accompanied you through out the way with exercise for you. I will provide detailed tutorials just for you what ever your level, to solve at least one of your flaws.
- I will ask you to film yourself telemark skiing, analyze your technique and provide personalize exercises that will really make the difference. (week 1 and Week 4)
- I will answer two of your questions through high quality videos just for you. (Week 2 and 5)
We will set precise date for our communications, especially at week 2, 4 and 5. Communication will be by Google Hangout and email.
- because of my busy schedule; skiing, having a family, traveling,
- because of the amount of work required to help you as much as humanly possible
- because this has never been done, I want to take extra care and time to set this right. I want you to understand that this is a complete program that will need your full participation.
- as with all our products, the Telemark Foundation is covered by our 100% money back guaranteed. Note, because of the teamwork associated with a personalized coaching program, I will ask for a detailed reason for your withdraw of the program. I’m very confident that this is going to be just awesome AND I want seriously dedicated telemark enthusiast to joint
- You will get every tutorials we have ever made. (Beginner, Fast track and Fakie)
- I will give you a step by step check list of the exercises and abilities you need to practice
- And some surprises
What will the program cost
It costs 497$.- As I said, I’m going all out. Considering that I charge 100$ for a one hour of private lesson, I think it’s a pretty good deal.
- When I compare the price people pay for equipment and lift access, I’m very comfortable of the small investment this program is.
- You have to understand that this first group will be founding members. This will be a first for me. I’m really motivated to create something for real people that I can interact with.
- This is going to be a one time founding group. It will never be repeated, especially for this price.
- Place are limited to 20.
- You have until Thursday to register
Join Absolute Telemark

Hi Rene. A while ago I purchased your fakie tutorial and I liked it. I am considering the TF but I am located in the south hemisphere, Chile, to be precise, where we are in the middle of summer. I am an avid telemarker (really not to many down here) and I have attended the Portillo Big Montain Telemark Camp hosted by Kayo Ogilby and Nick Devore. The question is, does it make sense to join now? Thanks. Leslie.
Hello Leslie,
Humm, great question.
It could be worth it but you would not be able to do everything right now. Like the video anaysis (unless you have one from last season)
I would not mind delaying some of your one on one meeting for your winter. But then, I will not be able to make a specific tutorial just for you.
I will not reopen the Foudation untill next November so if you want in, I guess it’s your chance.
Thanks for your time and enjoy the summer for now
Hi Rene. I would also like to do the TF but realistically probably won’t have anywhere to ski/video for the final 2-3 weeks of it. Probably only a few more weeks of skiing where I am located. What do you think? Worthwhile now or might it be better to wait?
Thanks! Colby
This is an intensive program where you need to be skiing regurlarly. If you are able to ski a lot from February 28th to March 21st then, it could be worth it.