Get ready to get down!
Train for your telemark season.
The season is about to start and it is the perfect time to get motivated to train and be in the best shape before the season.
The goal here is simply to share my training on a 5 day a week program.
I do the same things over for one month and it’s worked pretty good for me.
Remember to train according to your capacities. I’m not a trainer and if you are not sure if these exercices are good for you or not, please ask your physician. This is just me sharing my method that is working for me.
Have a great season!
Here it is
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Good stuff. Thanks for taking the time to share!
Hey, Jeff,
Gotta stay motivated. The 30’s are tough if you don’t keep it up
thanks for all the great motivation to get started this season, don’t want to miss out on that early powder, thanks for making these training vids
Hi Jezza,
It’s so great to see you motivated…
My pleasure. My Girlfriend told me not to use Crocs Sandals next time.
as long as you’re comfortable I’m not bothered by fashion
Some ideas for mixing it up.
good stuff thanks
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