What Is the Future of Absolute Telemark and Winner of BD Dirt Bag gloves announced


You are amazing, I’ve got so many great answers.

Not only this is gold to me, it really confirms what we have been doing together fro the last two weeks. Sharing our stories and ideas on the telemark culture.We are going forward.


I’m exhausted tonight. We skied today in a beautiful -10°C (15°F) in light fresh snow. The girls where at their winter scout camp so it was only the 3 of us. We skied some really gnarly stuff, which I can’t say happens a lot with my family usually. And it’s not because the girls were not there, but because the conditions were so great…

So I’m exhausted. But I’m stoke. Stoke to read all your answers, comments, ideas. This is better than I never thought it would be.

The other day, I asked you to answer a survey of three questions to better understand your needs and challenges about telemark skiing. I’ve got a lot , but I mean I lot of comments, It took me a couple of hours to read it all.
And because of you, Absolute Telemark has never been so vibrant as it is today. Because of all the people who stood up and participated to this blog and even more because of the people who participate to the newsletter, I really feel like WE are creating something unique. I’m incredibly inspired to create the most important content of my life.
Thank you

After going through your answers, I understand that the most painful, frustrating part of your telemark skiing is not exactly what I taught, good thing we talked.

Here are a few of top fears, problems, challenges you mentioned:

a- the challenge of some expert terrain like moguls, Tree Skiing, steep skiing, carving…
b- starting telemark skiing in a safe environment and not getting injured
c- getting some direct critique over your technique
d- skiing with other telemark skiers


Rest assured, I’m going to make something that answers your concerns. But this is a somewhat different than what I had expected. In fact, It’s even better. A good thing we talked.

I’m wishing myself Good LUCK:

First because It’s a bigger endeavor than I thought

Second because this is really something I feel will enable my to reach my goal: Making a significant difference in your telemark skiing

For this project to work, I need to hit the ball hard,

Anyway, If I spend a couple  days making this and you don’t want this, then I’m going to feel like an total idiot
So here’s what I’m going to do: If you feel like the thing I’m making is what you want, but most importantly need, then let me know (and be sure to let me kmow WHY and HOW this information will help you out.)

If enough people want it… then I will personally send it to you. If this is not what you want, tell me what you’d rather have.

click Below to let me know

Your answers and the Winner

I got so many great answers and I told you that I would pick according to the quality and how detailled your answers would be.

They were more that great.

Here is the kind of answer that caught my eye

As a crossover from snowboard 4 years ago (plus some alpine skiing many years before) I had the most problem with equal weighting – getting enough weight onto the inside ski. This issue always resurfaces when I start to get tired, and I can see/feel my inside ski flapping about. I now know that when I feel this instability on the inside, I need to focus on pressing on that little toe but it took me a long time to work this out. The second biggest issue I had was ‘poodling’ – all the pictures from my first winter show a 3′ gap between my feet – seeing pictures and videos of myself helped fix that one. My biggest fear was non-releasability. This was realised at the end of my first season when I tore the ligaments in my foot/ankle in deep heavy spring snow – I switched to 7tm for the next season and now to NTN. There is no way I would push so hard riding fast switch or jumping without release bindings now. I have only ever released 3 times in over 100 days of skiing since I switched, but each time I was very glad I did, even if I spent a half hour digging for my skis.

And for the winner of the Black Diamond Dirt Bag gloves…

… was really hard to pick. Out the 53 people that answered the survey, the Winner is Bruce Easton.

Congrats to all and thanks again

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One thought on “What Is the Future of Absolute Telemark and Winner of BD Dirt Bag gloves announced

  1. I want it the first reson is that I am interested in telemark by my own and it is always interesting to read and see how other skiers have solved their problems.
    And here about solutions and tips. I hope you Rene will have the power to continue.
    I hope you can find some friends locally who can help you to fulfill your great mission.I understand that this work will take lots of power from you and your family.

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